Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An iPhone Recap

We have had a great past few days. If only the three of us could get our allergies under control then we would be doing even better. Mother's day was good- I got to spend it with who I wanted to- my baby boy Luke! We had so much fun. He wasn't in the greatest of moods because he was teething but we tried to help him forget about his pain some. The best 2 ways we got him to not fuss and worry about teething were these 2 activities:



He could do both of these forever- I know we will be spending most of our time in the pool and at the park this summer. I am trying to convince Andrew to get him a swing set for the backyard, but no such luck yet. Don't you think it would be fun for Luke to be able to go back and forth from swimming and swinging?? It would be Luke's dream world.

Anyways...Luke also moved up in the car seat world. He now has a convertible car seat instead of an infant carrier. He loves it so much more. No crying at all. He can now see out the window! Hopefully he will like it this summer when we drive 14 hours to Destin...yikes!

I decided to put my magic bullet to use and make some homemade baby food for Luke. It was so easy. I just picked up some fruits and veggies from the store. Threw them in the blender with a little water, and pureed them. I now have food for him for a week that is fresh and healthy- and way cheaper than store bought baby food. I'll still use the store bought stuff for on-the-go, but this will be great for at the house!

Luke has been laughing for a little while now, and it is the weirdest things that make him laugh- on this particualar day it was me sticking my finger in his mouth. I finally caught his giggles on camera and it is so cute. Hope you enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. i love that organization!! oh my gosh. i love it. and that baby boy is so cute!
